Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank goodness for long weekends!

TGIF - for real! Holy hell has this been a long week for me.

Work is a bit stressful right now. I've got ONE - count them, ONE - fucking client out of hundreds and hundreds that I'm having a real difficult time trying to figure stuff out with. It's very frustrating because I'm usually one that comes up with some sort of solution when a problem arises but this time I'm stumped. And I don't like that feeling.

I still don't have my period. My boobs still don't really hurt. I know this is all parr for the course but I still don't like it. Give me my period or give me a healthy pregnancy. Is that too much to ask for? (And NO, I haven't POAS yet and I won't until my birthday, next Saturday, at the earliest.)

Tomorrow we have our second 1-year-old birthday party to go to. I'm actually really excited about this one! After handling the last one, I'm sure I can handle this one... and I just can't wait to play with the baby! She's almost walking and she's such a happy baby! Yay for babies! :)

Not much else planned for the long weekend ... though we have a ton of cleaning and laundry to do around the house. Yay for long weekends!


Kelli said...

Good luck with the birthday party. I hope you get a great birthday present next week - a BFP!

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