Monday, November 24, 2008

I changed my mind

I don't think I'm pregnant.
I think I'm suffering from a horrific case of PMS.
I feel so completely overwhelmed with irritability right now - and for no fucking reason.
I feel like I could snap at any moment.
I'm almost ready to call a doctor, I'm so edgy right now.
And of course, couple that with cramps and burning/sore boobs and ... LOOK OUT!



Anonymous said...

I surfed on over from one of the TTC boards. I feel your pain re: AF and bad PMS. All last cycle, I was horribly nauseous for two weeks leading up to AF. I really thought there was a chance. Alas. NO. And now I have a really bad AF.

Next cycle!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, your PMS sounds so incredibly painful -- I am sorry you are experiencing such horrible symptoms. Keep your faith and your eyes on the will happen!

Anonymous said...

So when would you test? I really hope it's a bfp for you, but if not then your body is definitely gearing up with the hormones, etc. and that's promising too. Of course my fingers are crossed for the bfp!

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